Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Novena Open Hardware Laptop: A Hacker's Dream Machine

The Novena Open Hardware Laptop: A Hacker's Dream Machine

"The open source community is very large and vibrant. There is no shortage of people who are willing to experiment -- and today's experimental technology always has the potential to be adopted as an industry standard five, 10 or 20 years from now," said tech analyst Laura DiDio. "The Novena technology is not run-of-the-mill commodity stuff. It is not going to appeal to Joe or Jane average users."

Wanna know how to post BLANK !!! status or comments on facebook

Wanna know how to post BLANK !!! status or comments on facebook ???

So facebook tricks are sure one of the things we wanna know. i Am gonna tell you guys today how to post a blank status or comment. 

As u know normally if we try to post anything blank it gives us a error message like the one shown below.

so now we come to the trick part :

Step1>  Go to your friend's wall

Step2>  Press "alt+0173" without quotes and from numberpad

Step3>  Click "share" or press Enter 

and BINGO it's done .
But it works only with status and comments.
now go and amaze ur friends

for fun click here